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Thank you for coming out to the

2017 Moms & More Halloween Stroll!

Post your photos to the new Stroll Facebook page with #momsandmorestroll 

West Hartford's network of 

moms, dads & caretakers

 Discounted local events | Play Groups | Classes | Book Club | Moms Nights Out  

Community Service Opportunities, and much, much more!

About M&M

What is Moms & More?


We're a completely volunteer-run West Hartford-based parent organization designed to meet the needs of parents and children of West Hartford and the surrounding communities. Our mission is to bring a small town atmosphere into a large city. Moms & More was founded in 2001 by Leslie Gorman, who formed the group as a resource to both working and stay-at-home moms.


Childrens Events

We plan several events each month for children of all ages. Each quarter, we offer some regular events, such as Music Class with Fern, My Gym, and Bagels and More (a get-to-know-you event geared toward new members).  You’ll find music classes, dance classes, meet up days at the park, swimming, picnics, tours of fire stations, ice skating, museum visits, cookie decorating, and more on our calendar!  We work closely with local businesses to secure discounted events for our members, and we use a significant portion of our annual budget to subsidize the events we organize.  


Because we believe that playgroups are one of the best ways for you and your children to make new friends, we work hard to place interested members in a group with children of the same age.  Our groups are also assembled according to your availability, so that working parents and those with children in other programs might also have a chance to participate. Generally, playgroups meet weekly, rotating among the members' homes.

Moms Night Out

Each quarter, we schedule 1-2 Moms Nights Out to give our members a much needed and well-deserved break. Some of our past events have included manicure night at a local nail salon, a seminar by local professional organizers, recipe exchanges, photography classes, talks on nutrition, and drinks at nearby restaurants and bars. To check out our latest offerings, please see the events section once you become a member.  


We strive to be not only a resource to our members, but also to the West Hartford community at large. Our Charity Co-Directors plan events that engage members in service projects for a variety of organizations.  Each year, we participate in the town's Adopt A Family holiday gift drive.  Other service opportunities have included: making sandwiches for homeless diners at Loaves & Fishes in Hartford; toy and clothing drives for Covenant to Care for Children, and; organizing walks for MADD and March for Babies. Keep an eye out on our private Facebook page for calls to action once you become a member. 

Book Clubs

Moms and More has a book club that meets regularly. Meetings are held every seven weeks at members' homes in the evening.  The host for each meeting chooses the book, allowing members to read a variety of genres.  Our meetings are casual, fun and we welcome any mom to socialize and discuss.



Our TLC committee organizes the delivery of three dinners made by members, for members, after the birth of a new baby or during difficult times. It is our hope that each member will commit to signing up for one meal delivery during the year so that our members can count on this support.  Meals can be ready-made from the grocery store or gourmet from your own kitchen -- it's up to you!  

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  • Will I be the only one who doesn't know everyone already?
    Absolutely not! We are thrilled that the club is growing by leaps and bounds, and the majority of our new members are new to West Hartford and have no support network in place. All members are invited to every event -- nothing is clique-ish or exclusionary.
  • What happens right after I join?
    Our goal is to get you plugged into our network of amazing moms right away. You'll receive an email with instructions on how to request access to our closed Facebook page, and you will be encouraged to sign up for the next "Bagels & More." These are monthly get-togethers hosted by the club, expressly created for new members to get to know each other. You will also have access to forms where you can request to be placed in a playgroup, to receive three TLC meals if you are expecting or have recently delivered, and to join a book club, if you are interested. You will also have immediate access to the online calendar of events, where you can purchase your tickets online. Our hope is that you will feel welcome to the group right away!
  • I want to set up a booth at the next Halloween Stroll.
    Thank you for your interest in participating in the next Halloween Stroll! In 2017, the West Hartford Police Department estimated that roughly 5,000 people attended. It is a great audience to get in front of! Please follow the Stroll's new Facebook page for updates on registration and sponsorship opportunities for the next Stroll:
  • I don't live in West Hartford. Can I join?
    Yes! We do not require that members live in West Hartford, only that they are a primary caregiver to a young child. As long as you are willing to attend events in West Hartford, you are welcome to join. Just note that if you are joining a playgroup, the majority of the other moms will likely live in West Hartford and it may be difficult for them to travel to adjacent towns if you are rotating homes for playdates.
  • Where does my $40 membership fee go?
    Because we are a completely volunteer-run nonprofit, nearly all of your dues go toward subsiziding the events you attend and purchasing food and drink for the events you attend. Our overhead costs are extremely low, and are limited to purchasing our annual insurance, maintaining our website and P.O. Box, and a few small incidentals. We sell sponsorships to the Annual Halloween Stroll to minimize the club's expenditures.
  • Can dads, grandparents, and/or nannies join?"
    Yes! While the vast majority of our members are moms, we welcome other primary caregivers as members. There are an increasing number of stay-at-home dads in our community, and we are working to set up playgroups to help them build their own support network. Please email us at if you would like to check in on the status of the dad playgroups. Nannies and grandparents are also welcome to join and accompany children to events. Each primary caregiver must complete a membership form, however, if you plan to have more than one person attending our events, as each person must covered by our liability waiver.
  • Do I have to work at the Halloween Stroll or plan it?
    Moms & More loves hosting the Annual West Hartford Halloween Stroll, but our Halloween Stroll Committee is strictly voluntary. We typically have about 15 people on the committee, which represents a small percentage of our membership. We do ask that you consider manning one of our booths for just one 20 minute shift, but again, we only need a small percentage of our club to to cover the two hours of the event. The only obligation we expressly ask of our members is to cook (or purchase) one meal a year for another member who is expecting a child. Some years your name may not even been called, depending on how many expectant mothers we have in the club.
  • What do you offer to working moms?
    Many of our members work full or part time, and we work hard to plan events and activities they can enjoy. Evening events include Moms Nights Out ( i.e. crafting sessions, wine tastings, exercise classes, pedicures), and book club meetings. We also work to organize daytime weekend events for the whole family, like visits to farms for apple picking or meetups at museums. As more and more working moms join our club, we are setting up playgroups that meet on weekends. Lastly, our private Facebook page is an excellent resource for recommendations, parenting advice, and an overall supportive community of moms of young children.

Bonus Benefits:

- Access to our private Facebook page where members exchange information about local events, recommendations for service providers, and discussions on parenting and local issues


- Exclusive offers from local businesses, just for Moms & More members


Become a member today

Pay your $40 Annual Membership Fee securely online to get started 



Meet Our Leadership

Tiffany Romero Grossman

Co-Director, 2016-2017


Tiffany is a mom of three who has a passion for connecting parents and involving members in the many service opportunities available the greater Hartford region.  Prior to becoming a stay-at-home mom, she worked in foreign policy, politics, and non-profits.

Jennifer Sullivan

Co-Director, 2017-2018


Jenn is the mom of one little boy, a photographer, and owner of a social media and marketing consulting company. She loves photographing families including her own and enjoys connecting with other moms throughout the area.

© 2027 by Moms & More Club of West Hartford

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