West Hartford's premiere resource & support network for moms, dads & caretakers
Discounted local events | Play Groups | Classes | Book Club | Moms Nights Out
Community Service Opportunities, and much, much more!
Founded in 2001, Moms & More is a volunteer-run West Hartford-based parent organization designed to meet the needs of parents and children of West Hartford and the surrounding communities. Our mission is to bring a small town atmosphere into a large city.
Our members are stay-at-home moms, working moms, expectant mothers, and experienced moms of young children. We even have dads and nannies!
If you have children ages 0-5,
or are expecting,
Moms & More is for you!

Childrens Events
We plan several events each month for children of all ages. Each quarter, we offer some regular events, such as Music Class, My Gym, and get-to-know-you events geared toward new members. You’ll find music classes, dance classes, meet up days at the park, swimming, picnics, tours of fire stations, ice skating, museum visits, cookie decorating, and more on our calendar! We work closely with local businesses to secure discounted events for our members, and we use a significant portion of our annual budget to subsidize the events we organize.

Because we believe that playgroups are one of the best ways for you and your children to make new friends, we work hard to place interested members in a group of children with the same age. Our groups are also assembled according to your availability, so that working parents and those with children in other programs can participate. Generally, playgroups meet weekly, rotating among the members' homes.

Moms Night Out
Each month, we schedule 1-2 Moms Nights Out to give our members a much needed and well-deserved break. Some of our past events have included manicure night at a local nail salon, a seminar by local professional organizers, recipe exchanges, photography classes, talks on nutrition, and drinks at nearby restaurants and bars. To check out our latest offerings, please see the events section once you become a member.

We strive to be not only a resource to our members, but also to the West Hartford community at large. Our Charity Co-Directors plan events that engage members in service projects for a variety of organizations. Each year, we participate in the town's Adopt A Family holiday gift drive. Other service opportunities have included: making sandwiches for homeless diners at Loaves & Fishes in Hartford; toy and clothing drives for Covenant to Care for Children, and; organizing walks for MADD and March for Babies. Keep an eye out on our private Facebook page for calls to action once you become a member.

Book Club
Moms and More has a book club that meets regularly. Meetings are held every seven weeks at members' homes in the evening. The host for each meeting chooses the book, allowing members to read a variety of genres. Our meetings are casual, fun, and we welcome any mom to socialize and discuss.

Our TLC committee organizes the delivery of three dinners for members after the birth of a new baby or during difficult times. It is our hope that each member will commit to signing up for one meal delivery each year so that our members can count on this support. Meals can be ready-made from the grocery store, gift cards to local restaurants, or gourmet from your own kitchen -- it's up to you!

Bonus Benefits:
- Access to our private Facebook page where members exchange information about local events, recommendations for service providers, and discussions on parenting and local issues
- Exclusive offers from local businesses, just for Moms & More members
Meet Our Leadership

Elina Tannenbaum
Co-Director, 2021-2022
Elina is a nurse practitioner and mom of two young children. She loves connecting with other moms and getting involved in the community. Motherhood has been the most rewarding job, and she strives to be a resource for women in the community.

Marsha Jacobskind
Co-Director, 2022-2023
Marsha is a mom to two girls. She is a marketer who loves supporting small businesses. She enjoys spending time with her family, cooking creative meals, and participating in Crossfit. When she found M&M, she knew she'd found the family friendly community she was looking for.

Miriam Varnai
Co-Director, 2020-2021
Miriam is mom to four kids - three boys and one girl. She is an early childhood educator and works with many families in our community. She loves spending time with her family, reading, baking, and participating in M&M events!